চাকরি প্রস্তুতি

চাকরি প্রস্তুতি | English Literature | ইংরেজি সাহিত্য; পর্ব-০২

English Literature

English Literature; Part-02

21. “To err is human, to forgive”—


22. “Heard melodious are sweet but those unheard are swweeter”—is taken from—

  — Robert Frost/William Wordsworth/*John Keats/P.B Shelly

23. ‘All the perfume of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand ‘—who said this?

  — Macbeth/*Lady Mecbath/Lady Macduff/Macduff

24. ‘For God sake hold your toung and let me love—who said this?

  — Emily Divkim/T.S Eliot/Mathew Arnold / *John Donne

25.Justice delayed is justice denied—who said this?

  — Shakespeare/Curchill/*Gladstone/Disraiel

26. The most famous satirist in English Literature is—

  — *Jonathon Swift/Alexander Pope/ Joseph Addison / Richard Steal.

27. Of the following Authors , who wrote an epic?

  — *John Milton/Jane Mansfield/ William Cowper/ William Shakespeare

28. ‘ Hold fast to dreams’–  who wrote the line?

  — John Keats/ John Donne/ *Langston Hughes/ D.H lawrence.

29. ‘Gerontion’ is a poem by –

  — *T.S. Eliot/W.B Yeats/Mathew Arnold/ Robert Browning

30. Who wrote ‘Biographia Literarea’ ?

  — Lord Byron/P.B Shelley/*S.T Coleridge/Charles Lamb

31. ‘Life is a __ bird’

  — *Broken Winged/Broken Hearted/Lagged Behind /Flying

32. “ Man is a Political animal” who said this?

  — Dante/ Plato / *Aristotle/Socrates/

33. “ A passage to India”is writen by—

  — *E.M Forster/Rudayard Kipling/Galls Worthy/A.H Auden

34. The Book ‘ Man and Superman’ is writen by—

  — *Bernard Shaw/Monika Ali/Lord Byron/Charles Dickens

35. Who translated the ‘ Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’ into English?

  —  Thomas Carlyle/ * Edward Fitzgerald/D.G Rossetti/ William Thackeray

36. Who wrote the two famous novels, “ David Copperfield” and the “ Tale of two cities”?

  — Thomas Hardy/Jane Austen/ George Eliot/*Charles Dickens

37. The quote ‘ All the glitters is not gold’ is from which play of Shakespaeare?

  –Hamlet/ *The Merchant of Vanis/ Othello/Romeo and Juliet

38. A person who writes about his own life writes—

  — A diary/ A Biography/*An Auto-Biography/A chronical

39. Who is the writer of Treasure Island?

  — J. Milton/Homar/*Stevenson/Byron

40. Who is the Author of ‘ India Wins Freedom’?

  — *Abul Kalam Azad/Mawlana Akram Khan/Mahatma Gandhi/J. l. Nehru

ভবিষ্যতে অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে আপনার ফেসবুক ওয়ালে পোস্ট শেয়ার করে রাখুন। সহপাঠি, বন্ধু ও পরিবারের সকলে মিলে অবশ্যই গ্রুপ ডিসকাশন করবেন।

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