চাকরি প্রস্তুতি

চাকরি প্রস্তুতি | English Literature | ইংরেজি সাহিত্য; পর্ব-০৩

English Literature

English Literature; Part-03

41.Mecbath is a—

-*a play/a novel/an essay/a poem

42.Who wrote the book ‘Paradise Regained?

-*John Milton/P.B Shelly/John Keats/William Bake

43.When Nobel prize on literature was started?


44.Who wrote the first English dictionary?

-A.T Dev/ Chaucer/Sir Thomas/*Samual Johnson

45.Who is the Author of “The Origin of Species”?

-*C.Darwin/A Pope/T.Hardy/O.Goldsmith

46.‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is written by—

-Jane Austen/Charles Dickens/*William Shakespeare/ Vergina Woolf

47.Who is the central Charecter of ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte?

-Mr. Earnshaw/ Catherine/ Heathcliff/Hindley Earnshaw

48.‘The old order Changeth Yielding place to new’. This line is extracted from Tennyson’s poem—

-The Lotos –Eaters/Tithonus/Locksley Hall/*Morte d’ Arthur

49.The literary term ‘ euphemism’—

-Vague idea/*Innofensive expression/A sonet/Wise saying

50.Who is not a victorian poet?

-Mathew Arnold/*Alexander Pope/Robert Browning/Alferd Tennyson

51.P. B  Shelly’s ‘Adonias’ is an elegy on the death of –

-John Milton/S.T Coleridge/*John Keats/Lord Byron

52.London town is found a living being in the works of___

-Thomas Hardy/*Charles Dickens/w. Congreve/D.H Lawrance

53.Who wrote the plays , ‘ The Tempest’ and ‘The Mid Summer Night’s Dream?

-Ben Johnson/Chistopher Marlowe/John Dryden/*William Shakespeare

54.Anyone of the following pairs are literary collaborators—

-*Eliot and Pound/Yeats and Eliot/Pope and Dryden/Shelly and Keats

55.-What is calastrophy?

-The comical end of dramatic ements /*The tragic end of dramatic events/The comic tragic end of the play/None of the above

56.The literary term ‘Euphemism’ means –

-vague idea/*in offensive expression/a sonnet/wise saying

57. The word ‘ Panegyric’ means—

Criticism/ *Elaborate Praise/Curse /High sound

58.A song embedding religious and sacred emotions –


59.The term ‘ Fiction’ is related to—


60.A serious play with a sad ending is called a—


ভবিষ্যতে অনুশীলনের সুবিধার্থে আপনার ফেসবুক ওয়ালে পোস্ট শেয়ার করে রাখুন। সহপাঠি, বন্ধু ও পরিবারের সকলে মিলে অবশ্যই গ্রুপ ডিসকাশন করবেন।

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